It all started when co-creators, Nic and Karlee, of Flannel Feather decided it would be fun to have a virtual shop selling handmade goods!

I, Karlee, have always been interested in pottery, from the day I took my first class in high school many years ago. Art has had a special place in my heart for as long as I can remember but when I discovered that you could take a pile of mud and turn (pun intended - ha!) it into a functional piece of art and use it everyday, I was hooked. I loved that I could develop a variety of new skills while still ending up with something useful. As time went on, and I finished up college, I began finding my way around the in the big world, and I took a break from pottery. Not necessarily because I wanted to but I lost my convenient resources through the college I attended and did a little moving around before I settled down in Des Moines, Iowa. And that is where and met my wonderful husband, Nic. He began dabbling in woodworking just as I got back into pottery through the local art center. Together we thought that the idea of having an online store for handcrafted goods we made would be fun and an easy way for family to keep up with what we were working on. The two crafts paired nicely together, so we ran with it. In late 2018 we attended our first show as a vendor and we fell in love with the idea of really making this a successful, thriving business! So here we are, merging our crafts, collaborating with other wonderful artists and sharing the joy of handmade goods through our community.
Flannel Feather is a two man crew. We are the makers, the photographers, the packagers, the tech support (okay, lets be real - that's all Nic) the social media managers and the marketing crew. We do it all and it's because the incredible support we have received from friends, family and our exceptional customers that we are able to continue on with this wonderful small business.